First-Space, Visitors, Invaders & Expeditioners
No. Space First Name
01 The first man to enter space Yuri Gagarin (USSR) in 1961
02 The first person to land on the moon Neil A Armstrong (USA)
on July 21, 1969
03 The first woman to enter space Valentina Tereshkova (USSR) in
04 The first unmanned moon-buggy to explore surface of themoon Lunokhod-I (USSR)
05 The first spaceship which carried man on the moon Apollo-11
06 The first person to float (to walk) in space Alexi Leonov
07 The first space vehicle to softland on moon Luna-9 (USSR)
08 The first reusable space shuttle Columbia (USA)
09 The first person to walk in space without a safety line Bruce
McCandless (USA)
10 The first satellite to be repaired in orbit Solar Max
11 The first space rocket to hit the moon Lunik II (USSR)
12 The first spacecraft to soft-land on Mars Viking-I (USA)
13 The first artificial earth satellite Sputnik-I of USSR (1957)
No. First Visitor & Invader Name
01 The first European invader on Indian Soil Alexander the Great
02 The first European to visit China Marco Polo
03 The first Chinese Pilgrim who came to India Fahien
No. First Expeditioner Name
01 The first woman to conquer Mt.Everest Mrs.Junko Tabei (Japan)
in 1975
02 The first man to conquer Mt.Everest Sherpa Tenzing (India) in
03 The first man to have climbed Mt.Everest twice Nawang Gombu
04 The first person to sail round the world Magellan
(Portugal) in 1519
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